A Quick List of Vetri Disc Side Effects to Be Aware Of

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    To most, your dog is not just a pet but also a part of the family; just like with every other person you love, it is so hard to see them suffer in pain. Unfortunately, one type of pain that is more common than not among dogs is back pain and spinal disc issues, usually due to injury or age.

    Thankfully, there are products on the market designed to help relieve these problems, and Vetri Disc is one of them.

    Vetri Disc is a supplemental formula designed to help with all of your dog’s back-related pain and injuries. However, like any other type of medication or supplement, there will be some types of reactions or side effects that you should keep an eye on. This article will go over all of the side effects you should be aware of before deciding if Vetri Disc is right for your pet.

    Vetri Disc’s Ingredients and Associated Side Effects

    Vetri Disc is a joint health capsule created by Vetri-Science, to help support and repair your dog’s muscular and skeletal system in their back, relieving pain and increasing mobility. Its ingredients are known to repair muscle, tissue, and cartilage that may have broken down over time or had been damaged in an accident. It also helps strengthen your dog’s bones and spine.

    To better understand how this capsule works and whether it is right for your dog, it is important to know exactly what is in it and what it can do. Here is a list of Vetri Disc’s ingredients and their benefits:

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    (Sources: Vetri Science, Pet MD)

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    Side Effects Associated with Taking High Doses of Vetri Disc

    Some ingredients in this product could have serious side effects if too high of a dose is ever taken by your dog or a child if they get their hands on the product. If a suspected accidental overdose is taken, you should seek medical attention immediately. 

    Types of complications from accidental overdose can include:

    • Zinc overdose: Nausea, vomiting, flu-like symptoms, frequent infections. If too much of this supplement is taken, a zinc overdose could occur and can have lifelong effects. 

    • Vitamin D overdose: An overdose in Vitamin D can cause serious problems for your dog including, vomiting, depression, weakness, appetite loss, increased urination, constipation, and dehydration. Extremely high doses can negatively affect the heart, lungs, and other main organs, causing possible death.

    • Calcium overdose: Too much calcium isn’t as dangerous as other vitamin overdoses. The symptoms of too much calcium include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea or constipation.

    • Equisetum arvense overdose: A side effect associated with Equisetum arvense in dogs can be loss of potassium through urination.

    • Magnesium overdose: Side effects of ingesting too much magnesium are nausea, diarrhea, low blood pressure, muscle weakness, and fatigue. At very high doses, magnesium can be fatal.

    • Bovine tracheal cartilage overdose: Although it is not very common, there are a few side effects of taking too much bovine tracheal cartilage, such as diarrhea, nausea, swelling, local redness, and itching. 

    • Vitamin C overdose: There are not many side effects of ingesting too much vitamin C except diarrhea 

    • Vitamin B6 overdose: Too much B6 can lead to some serious and dangerous health issues, including vomiting, loss of appetite, drinks and urinates less, kidney failure, and even death.

    • Manganese: A manganese overdose can come with some very severe side effects—most of which are considered neurological—such as tremors, difficulty walking, facial muscle spasms, irritability, aggressiveness, and hallucinations.

    • Taurine overdose: There few known illnesses associated with the overuse of taurine. However, you may at times notice nausea or vomiting. 

    General Side Effects of Vetri Disc 

    Although this supplement has been known to help a lot of pets through some horrible accidents or painful disc issues due to old age, there are some side effects you should be aware of and ways that you can help keep your dog as safe as possible if you choose to use this product.

    Pregnant or Breeding Animals

    If you have a dog who is suffering from back or spinal issues and is pregnant or a breeding dog, you will want to consult with a veterinarian before using this product. This product has not yet been tested or deemed safe for use in these situations.

    The vitamins and supplements included in this product could cause harm or damage to your pregnant or breeding dog and unborn pups.

    Limited or Non-Use of Limbs

    Lameness is when your dog is unable to move one or all of its limbs. This is usually caused by an illness or injury and can be very painful and hard to correct for many pets. This type of issue can occur quickly and can take weeks or months to get over, and, for some pets, they may never be able to walk properly again. 

    If you notice that your dog’s lameness in their limbs gets worse or doesn’t improve, stop using this product immediately and seek a veterinarian’s help. If you find that this product seems to be making the situation worse, there may be more medical issues involved in the condition, or your dog’s body may be rejecting the formula.

    Stomach Pain and Gastrointestinal Upset

    Ingredients in this supplement like zinc oxide and vitamin D can cause issues with upset stomachs. Some side effects to watch out for are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and if taken in too high doses, it can lead to kidney and stomach damage. 

    Drowsiness or Lartharigia 

    Some ingredients in these capsules could potentially cause your pet to become sluggish or drowsy. This is due to the side effects of the vitamins included in the pill's composition and may wear off over time.

    If you notice an extreme lethargic response or your dog isn’t getting any better, you should stop using the medication immediately and contact your veterinarian.

    Vetri Disc’s Side Effects and Conditions

    The types of side effects your dog may experience from Vetri Disc may also be related to the type of disease or injury that requires treatment:


    IVDD (Intervertebral disc disease) is a degenerative disc disorder commonly found in the aging population of dogs. This disease causes the discs of the spine to dehydrate, and they then can come together and grind against one another, causing pain and disc erosion.

    Some symptoms of IVDD include:

    • Paralysis

    • Abnormal walking

    • Refusal to jump

    • Pain and lameness in back legs

    • Whining and yelping in pain

    • Anxiety

    • Hunched back or neck

    • Reduced appetite

    • Low activity level

    • Loss of bladder and bowel control

    Although Vetri Disc is considered a great option for helping dogs diagnosed with IVDD, it should always be taken with a meal. Because IVDD is more prevalent in older dogs and is a disease specifically related to dehydration, you never want to give this medication to your pet without food. 

    This medication may cause your dog to feel nauseous, and they may not be interested in eating or drinking after taking it. This can lead to worsening dehydration and could lead to further complications from IVDD and other health issues. 

    Hip Dysplasia

    Hip dysplasia in dogs is an issue with the ball and joint socket in their hips. The ligaments and muscles start to weaken, causing the ball to come out of the socket, and it can be very painful for your pup when this happens.

    Vetri Disc is used to help strengthen these muscles and ligaments to re-create the form necessary to help keep the joints in place.

    Because of the unnatural movement of the hip, you want to make sure the ball and socket are in the right place when you are giving your dog medications to help keep them in place. Ensure your veterinarian is aware of all medication you are giving to your pet who may be suffering from hip dysplasia to keep an eye on the healing process. 

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    Avoid Vetri Disc if Your Dog Has These Conditions

    The ingredients used in this medication can cause harmful side effects in some dogs with one or more of these types of conditions. Contact your veterinarian before starting your pet on Vetri Disc if they have been diagnosed with:

    • Clotting disorders

    • Hyperglycemia as a result of metabolic disorders

    • Diabetes

    • Urinary tract stones

    Likelihood of Experiencing Vetri Disc’s Side Effects

    No matter the type of dog you have, their age, or their conditions, this is a great product to give to any dog suffering from back and spine pain. 

    The chances of side effects from taking this specific medication are limited and do not happen very often. This is a fairly safe supplement for your pet to take to help increase motion and decrease pain in your dog’s back and spine.

    Whenever you are considering trying a new medication or supplement with your dog, always consult a veterinarian first. This will guarantee that there is no chance of medication inference and side effects that take place because of a bad interaction or allergy.

    Other Warnings Related to Vetri Disc

    The ingredients in the medication are not the only reason behind the side effects that Vetri Disc can cause if taken. Here is a list of a few other warnings you should be aware of when purchasing the product to make sure it is taken properly and safely keeps your dog healthy.  

    For Use in Dogs Only

    This product has only been created and tested to treat dogs. This product has not been tested for use with other animals, and the side effects or complications that could come from using this product with other pets are unknown. Do not use this product on any animal other than your dog. 

    For Animal Use Only

    This product has not been tested for use in humans. This supplement should never be taken or given to any human, and if human consumption takes place, you should immediately contact your poison control center.

    Monitor Your Dog’s Progress

    If you are giving your dog Vetri Disc for pain caused by IVDD, injury or trauma, etc., be sure to take notice of their progress or lack thereof; Vetri Disc is not going to help a dog who is suffering from back and spinal pain if the pain is being caused by medical issues unrelated to the joints and/or injuries.

    Understand Vetri Disc’s Uses Before Offering it to Your Dog

    If spinal or back pain comes from another medical issue such as bacterial infection, viral infection, rabies, fungal disease, or parasitic diseases, giving your pet Vetri Disc will not help them; giving them this medication may actually do more harm than good. 

    This is because some of the infections could have a negative reaction to ingredients of the capsule, and giving your dog medication that doesn’t offer any type of help will prolong the complications of the disease. 

    How to Limit Side Effects from Vetri Disc

    There is a very low chance that your dog will experience any serious side effects from the use of Vetri Disc. However, to reduce the chances of any problem occurring, here are some tips to keep your pet safe:

    Always Give the Recommended Dosage

    Read the label carefully and only give your dog the recommended dose for their weight. This product could take up to a month before any progress is noticed. If you do not see any changes in your dog within the first few days or weeks, do not immediately try to increase the medication dosage.

    On the other hand, if you do not see a change within a month or more and feel your pet may need a higher dosage, speak with your veterinarian before changing the amount of medication you give your dog.

    Below is a table of recommended dosages for different weight classes in dogs: 

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    (Source: Holistic Pet Info)

    If you are giving your dog more than one capsule a day, split the dosage between morning and night.

    (Example: give your 30-pound dog one capsule in the morning and one at night. With three capsules for a 36-80-pound dog, split the dosages up between breakfast, lunch, and dinner time.)

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    Provide the Medication with Meals

    When you give your dog a Vetri Disc capsule, give it to them right before or right after eating a meal. Doing this will help reduce any possible side effects that could lead to an upset stomach or nausea that could lead to vomiting. 

    If you have noticed that the Vetri Disc causes your dog to stop eating throughout the day, be sure to feed them first thing in the morning and offer the medication after they have eaten and the food has had time to digest.

    Keep the Bottle Stored Away Safely

    Per the instructions located on the bottle, this medication should be kept in a cool, dry location. Doing this will keep the active ingredients in good condition, providing the most beneficial treatment for your dog. 

    If you store your pet’s medication in the wrong type of environment, it could reduce its effectiveness and even lead to more side effects.

    Another reason it is very important to store your Vetri Disc in a safe location is to keep it out of the reach of children and your pets. Keeping it placed where it is not easily accessible to children and animals will prevent accidental overdoses that can lead to serious and even deadly side effects.

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    Final Thoughts

    When giving your dog any supplement or medication, always follow the directions carefully and keep a close on your dog’s behavior. If you ever notice any changes in their behavior, habits, and routine, contact your vet immediately. Just as importantly, keep an eye on things your dog may be experiencing that may not be as notable, like sleepiness, lack of energy, or eating and drinking less frequently.

    In conclusion, Vetri Disc is a great supplement to give your dog daily to help support their spine from a whole slew of medical issues and can work great in giving your dog their lives back when taken properly.



